Acupuncturist Columbia, MD
There are many reasons that a person may look into visiting with an acupuncturist Columbia, MD offers from Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab, one of the most common being pain relief. Acupuncture is an old Chinese healing method that has been known to be an effective treatment for many pains and ailments. Depending on your health needs, acupuncture may be a good option for you and something to discuss with an experienced acupuncturist who can explain your treatment, how acupuncture works, what to expect during the procedure, and more. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and discuss your specific treatment needs.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Patients have been experiencing the benefits of acupuncture for thousands of years and you could benefit from this treatment as well. Our experienced Columbia acupuncturist would be glad to meet with you and help you get started and feel more comfortable with the treatment by giving you the opportunity to ask questions.
- Pain Relief
For people experiencing pain that they cannot explain or find a way to get relief, acupuncture may be the answer to find the relief you need. It is difficult to live life to its fullest when you’re dealing with daily pain, but we may be able to help you get your life back on track by relieving your pain with acupuncture treatments.
- Headache Relief
It is not uncommon for people to suffer from unexplained headaches and have likely been through several other types of treatments and tried everything they can think of and heard all of the advice, yet nothing has worked. It may be time to give acupuncture a try and meet with an experienced acupuncturist who can answer your questions and explain how the treatment works.
- Reduced Stress
People have so much stress to deal with that it can have a negative impact on their body physically and their mental health. Acupuncture is known for treating stress and may be your answer for stress-relief treatment. There is no need to live with the stresses of life and let it negatively affect your health when there are treatment options available.
This is only a few of the many potential benefits you could experience when you choose to visit an acupuncturist. If you have concerns about the treatment or are nervous about needles, you can discuss any concerns with your acupuncturist prior to choosing to try the treatment so that you can be comfortable with it beforehand. We take patient comfort seriously and will be happy to meet with you to ensure that you understand the procedure process and are ready to start your treatment.
Call us Today
If you have any questions about how you could benefit from treatments with a Columbia acupuncturist, do not hesitate to reach out to us at Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab to discuss your specific needs and how acupuncture may help. There are countless patients like you who have experienced the benefits of acupuncture and you can too. Call us today to schedule your consultation.
Common Questions About Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be a beneficial method of treatment for many patients, but many people have questions or concerns about the treatment. An experienced Columbia acupuncturist can answer any question that you have and listen and respond to any concerns that you have about acupuncture treatment. During your initial appointment at Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab, you will have the opportunity to find out more about how the treatment works, how it could benefit you, and get comfortable with the idea of acupuncture treatment. There is no harm in finding out more about acupuncture could be a good fit for you. Call us today to schedule your initial appointment.
- What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the treatment process of inserting needles at specific pressure points on the body that have been mapped and connected with particular neurological areas of the body that affect the body as a whole. The method of treatment is non-invasive, as compared to surgeries and medications, and seeks to use your body’s natural functions and processes for healing. This method of treatment was originally developed by the Chinese over thousands of years and has now been backed up by modern technology. - What can be treated with acupuncture?
The list of ailments that can be treated with acupuncture is nearly extensive, but some of the common treatments are for chronic pain, sinus issues, gynecological or PMS issues, addictions, emotional disorders, and much more. Since acupuncture is a natural treatment with little to no side effects, the risk of trying the treatment is very low risk and may be worth giving a try. We would be happy to discuss in detail how your treatment would work for your specific health needs. - Does acupuncture treatment hurt?
Some patients report discomfort, but on the whole acupuncture treatment can reduce pains and ailments and leave patients feeling better than before the treatment. The goal of the treatment is often to relieve pain, and your Columbia acupuncturist will work to achieve that goal and explain the treatment process to you so that you will know what to expect and be comfortable as you move forward with treatment and acupuncture procedures. - Does a fear of needles make Acupuncture impossible?
A fear of needles is not uncommon and does not necessarily mean that you cannot receive acupuncture treatment. There are some alternative treatments that acupuncturists can use to stimulate the pressure points without the use of needles. A discussion about your fear with your Columbia acupuncturist may be enough to make you feel comfortable enough while on the table to receive treatment. But for anyone with a true phobia of needles, an alternative treatment to the use of needles may be necessary.
Acupuncture Myths: FAQ
Many people who have been told that they could benefit from acupuncture treatment resist connecting with our Columbia, MD acupuncturist office because they’ve heard things about acupuncture that simply aren’t true. By addressing some common myths below, we hope to start setting your mind at ease if you’re hesitating to connect with us for any reason. If the answers below don’t adequately address your concerns, please don’t hesitate to call and talk to us about whatever is on your mind!
Does It Work?
Acupuncture treatment isn’t a panacea. It will not result in the cure of all diseases nor in the elimination of all symptoms suffered by a patient. On the flip side, the idea that acupuncture doesn’t serve any practical purpose and is largely ineffective is scientifically false. One only needs to read any of the peer-reviewed reputable studies published by hospitals affiliated with the Ivy League and other respected institutions concerning the effectiveness of acupuncture under certain conditions to understand that it absolutely “works” for many patients.
With that said, it is important to communicate your acupuncture-related goals to your Columbia acupuncturist so that your treatment plan can be tailored accordingly. If you have questions or concerns, the team at Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab will be more than happy to address them. And if your goals are not aligned with the purposes of acupuncture, we’ll clarify the ways in which we may be able to help and the ways in which we can’t.
Are Acupuncturists Trained?
For whatever reason, the idea that the government doesn’t regulate the insertion of needles into people’s bodies won’t completely leave the water supply. Acupuncturists are, unquestionably, trained if they are operating their practice lawfully.
To practice acupuncture in the U.S., a professional must attend a minimum of three years of graduate school, must pass national licensing exams, and must meet ongoing educational requirements.
Does Acupuncture Only Treat Pain?
Acupuncture treatment can address a variety of challenges, from digestion to anxiety, reproductive health issues to migraine headache prevention. The idea that acupuncture is only for pain is a little like saying that chiropractic treatment only helps people with lower back issues. While these are common reasons why patients seek care, they are certainly not the only ways in which acupuncturists and chiropractors change lives for the better.
Do “Real Doctors” Recommend Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been proven to serve as an effective treatment for a variety of conditions by peer-reviewed research published in reputable medical journals. It is also discussed as a legitimate practice on the websites of such venerable institutions as The University of Pennsylvania and The Cleveland Clinic. Yes, “real doctors” often recommend acupuncture and many of them benefit from this form of treatment as well.
Does Acupuncture Interact with Western Medical Interventions?
There are few medications, medical devices and conditions that pose any real risk of interacting with acupuncture treatment. With that said, the Columbia acupuncturist professionals at Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab do our due diligence when it comes to making sure that our patients are safe to undergo treatment before we begin enacting any kind of action plan.
Preparing For Your First Acupuncture Appointment
While you may be feeling excited as you move into your first acupuncture appointment and are hopeful that you will begin to feel better, you might also get a case of the “first appointment jitters.” This happens to many people who have never experienced acupuncture before. You may have read different FAQs regarding acupuncture and are more comfortable with it, but you can never truly get comfortable until you have your first experience. To make this a great first experience, there are different things you can do to prepare for your appointment.
- Answer the questionnaires honestly. It is extremely important that you answer the questionnaires and medical history forms honestly. If you have an allergy to something, your acupuncturist should know. Do you have a history of joint pain? Do headaches run in your family or are they triggered by certain events? Not only with this help direct how your acupuncturist conducts your sessions, but it will ensure they keep you safe and avoid certain techniques that might not be helpful.
- Don’t come with an empty stomach. Acupuncture can do many different things for different types of people and depending on what you need to be treated for. When this is the case, you want to know you are setting your session up for success. If you are hungry, this can increase feelings of dizziness. Eat a light snack and rest easy during your appointment.
- Wear the right types of clothes. Tight, itchy, non-breathable clothes are not what you want to be wearing for your acupuncture appointment, and certainly not what you want to go home in. Your acupuncturist will also want to have access to certain areas of your body depending on where they are treating you, and tight clothes can make that more difficult.
- Stay well-hydrated. As with any type of treatment, it is important that you drink water. You want to ensure that being dehydrated does not interfere with your treatment and results. When you are hydrated, it can ensure that your body is functioning optimally and that you can begin to heal.
- Talk openly with your acupuncturist. This means before and after your treatments. Are there any things on your mind that you are concerned about going into your treatment? Your acupuncturist may be able to dispel certain myths and can put your mind at ease. Similarly, after your appointment, you should feel free to give them open and honest feedback. How do you feel? Was there anything about your appointment you did not like or that felt uncomfortable? This kind of information can help to guide your acupuncturist for your next sessions.
Preparing For Your First Acupuncture Appointment Infographic
Being comfortable at your appointment is crucial for your healing. Even if you are getting the best treatment possible, if you are tense, stressed, and untrusting of the process then you may not be seeing the progress or results you are looking for. Come with an open mind and a willingness to give acupuncture the time and awareness necessary. If you would like to learn more about our acupuncture treatments, give our office a call now.
If you’ve been considering trying acupuncture treatment, there is no need to wait to find out more and discuss your healing needs and goals with an experienced acupuncturist from our office at Patapsco Integrative Medicine & Rehab. We will be happy to discuss our treatment process and explain how we will specifically treat you and the science behind why acupuncture works. Contact us today to schedule your initial appointment and consultation.