Whether due to sport or injury/accident, overuse or even neglect, we see all kinds of aches, pain, stiffness, tingling, weakness, or even just unexplainable "feeling off".
Our Integrative Programs are personalized to your condition and situation. Our clinic provides Consultation(1st/2nd), Imaging & Treatment by specialists in acupuncture, osteopathy, occupational therapy, chiropractic & musculoskeletal medicine.
Auto-immune problems, hormonal questions, mold exposures, food sensitivities? Digestive or neurologic diseases making life tough? Even persistent sinus and skin conditions that are not responding to treatment? We help many people with multiple symptoms, even outside their "primary diagnosis".
Biomedicine & Ayurvedic Medicine remind us that the ecology living among us, inside our gut, is far more impactual than is appreciated. Dr. DV's EIE approach of gut microbiome and endocrine balancing is an emerging specialty that we find is transformative to chronic disease processes.
Our seasonal programs change the ecology inside us, putting out inflammatory fires and anchoring the hormones that disrupted the body's self-regulation. We use specialty laboratory verification, evidence-based and prominently natural meds, along constitutional acupuncture to anchor mind and body through this process.